Our hottest time weather wise was 114 degrees, but our average right now is 107 degrees. This week has been one of our coolest weeks of 90 degrees. Funny thing about it is it's only about 65 to 85 degrees, but with humidity it heats up really fast. When it got to 114 degrees the mission president text us all and said stay out of the heat and drink 8 oz. of water every 30 minutes. So we went outside and tracked to our farthest place and that was 42 miles round trip. After we got back to the apartment and changed our clothes and had to ring our shirts dry, well, tell they were damp. Fun times.
We do however have two new investigators, which is awesome. Daniel is one of our new investigators he is African/American (both of them are) he stopped us and asked if we were the people who believed in polygamy. Queasia is our second contact, and is curious about how we believe in Christ.
Missionary work is taxing on the body because I'm always tired. But I love what I do, so there's nothing to complain about. Jesus gave his all and more, then I too can give this my all.
I was surprised to get a letter from Grandpa Peterson. Thanks to everyone. I get a lot of questions that I need to answer and I only get p-day to answer, but I will try to write letters to everyone when I can.
Love Elder Peterson
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